Area of application for blades S1 and S2

The table indicates what cable can and can not be cut with the blades S1 and S2. Do not attempt to cut ACSR cable that is not listed,
Failure to observe this precaution may result in damage to the tool.


  • all 336.4 kcmil und schmalere ACSR
  • 397.5 kcmil – Brant, Chickadee, Ibis
  • 477.0 kcmil – Pelican, Flicker, Hawk
  • 556.5 kcmil – Osprey
  • 636.0 kcmil – Kingbird, Swift, Egret
  • 795.0 kcmil – Coot, Term
  • 900.0 kcmil – Ruddy, Rail
  • 954.0 kcmil – Rail

Area of Application:

ACSR Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced
Code Word Size AWG or kcmil Stranding (AL/ST) individual wires AL
individual wires ST
Steel Core
Turkey 6 6/1 1.68 1.68 1.68 5.03
Swan 4 6/1 2.12 2.12 2.12 6.35
Swanate 4 7/1 1.96 2.62 2.62 6.53
Sparrow 2 6/1 2.67 2.67 2.67 8.03
Sparate 2 7/1 2.47 3.30 3.30 8.62
Robin 1 6/1 3.00 3.00 3.00 8.99
Raven 1/0 6/1 3.37 3.37 3.37 10.11
Quail 2/0 6/1 3.78 3.78 3.78 11.35
Pigeon 3/0 6/1 4.25 4.25 4.25 12.75
Penguin 4/0 6/1 4.77 4.77 4.77 14.30
Waxwing 266.8 18/1 3.09 3.09 3.09 15.47
Patridge 266.8 26/7 2.57 2.57 6.00 16.31
Ostrich 300 26/7 2.73 2.12 6.37 17.27
Merlin 336.4 18/1 3.47 3.47 3.47 17.37
Linnet 336.4 26/7 2.89 2.25 6.74 18.29
Oriole 336.4 30/7 2.69 2.69 8.07 18.82
Chickadee 397.5 18/1 3.77 3.77 3.77 18.87
Brant 397.5 24/7 3.27 2.18 6.54 19.61
Ibis 397.5 26/7 3.14 2.44 7.33 19.89
Lark 397.5 30/7 2.92 2.92 8.77 20.47
Pelican 477 18/1 4.14 4.14 4.14 20.68
Flicker 477 24/7 3.58 2.39 7.16 21.49
Hawk 477 26/7 3.44 2.67 8.03 21.79
Hen 477 30/7 3.20 3.20 9.61 22.43
Osperey 556.5 18/1 4.47 4.47 4.47 22.33
Parakeet 556.5 24/7 3.87 2.58 7.73 23.22
Dove 556.5 26/7 3.72 2.89 8.67 23.55
Eagle 556.5 30/7 3.46 3.46 10.38 24.21
Peacock 605 24/7 4.03 2.69 8.07 24.21
Squab 605 26/7 3.87 3.01 9.04 24.54
Wood Duck 605 30/7 3.61 3.61 10.82 25.25
Teal 605 30/19 3.61 2.16 10.82 25.25
Kingbird 636 18/1 4.78 4.78 4.78 23.88
Swift 636 36/1 3.38 3.38 3.38 23.62
Rook 636 24/7 4.14 2.76 8.27 24.82
Grosbeak 636 26/7 3.97 3.09 9.27 25.17
Scoter 636 30/7 3.70 3.70 11.09 25.88
Egret 636 30/19 3.70 2.22 11.09 25.88
Flamingo 666.6 24/7 4.23 2.82 8.47 25.40
Gannet 666.6 26/7 4.07 3.16 9.49 25.76
Stilt 715.5 24/7 4.39 2.92 8.77 26.31
Starling 715.5 26/7 4.21 3.28 9.83 26.70
Redwing 715.5 30/19 3.92 2.35 11.77 27.46
Coot 795 36/1 3.77 3.77 3.77 26.42
Drake 795 26/7 4.44 3.45 10.36 28.12
Term 795 45/7 3.38 2.25 6.75 27.00
Condor 795 54/7 3.08 3.08 9.25 27.74
Mallard 795 30/19 4.14 2.48 12.41 28.96
Ruddy 900 45/7 3.59 2.40 7.18 28.73
Canary 900 54/7 3.28 3.28 9.84 29.51
Rail 954 45/7 3.70 2.47 7.40 29.59
Cardinal 954 54/7 3.38 3.38 10.13 30.38
Ortolan 1033.5 45/7 3.58 2.57 7.70 30.78
Curlew 1033.5 54/7 3.51 3.51 10.54 31.62
Bluejay 1113 45/7 4.00 2.66 7.99 31.95
Finch 1113 54/19 3.65 2.19 10.94 32.82
Bunting 1192.5 45/7 4.14 2.76 8.27 33.07
Grackle 1192.5 54/19 3.77 2.27 11.32 33.96
Bittern 1272 45/7 4.27 2.85 8.54 34.16
Pheasant 1272 54/19 3.90 2.34 11.70 35.08
Dipper 1351.5 45/7 4.40 2.93 8.80 35.20
Martin 1351.5 54/19 4.02 2.41 12.05 36.17
Bobolink 1431 45/7 4.53 3.02 9.06 36.25
Lapwing 1590 45/7 4.78 3.18 9.55 38.20
Falcon 1590 54/19 4.36 2.62 13.08 39.22
Chukar 1780 84/19 3.70 2.22 11.09 40.69
Bluebird 2156 84/19 4.07 2.44 12.21 44.75
Kiwi 1098 72/7 4.41 2.94 8.81 44.07
Grouse 80 8/1 2.54 4.23 4.23 9.32
Petrel 101.8 12/7 2.34 2.34 7.02 11.71
Minorca 110.8 12/7 2.44 2.44 7.33 12.22
Leghorn 134.6 12/7 2.69 2.69 8.07 13.46
Guinea 159 12/7 2.92 2.92 8.77 14.63
Dotterel 176.9 12/7 3.08 3.08 9.25 15.42
Dorking 190.8 12/7 3.20 3.20 9.61 16.00
Cochin 211.3 12/7 3.37 3.37 10.11 16.84
  • B230→ Specification for Aluminum 1350-H19 Wire for Electrical Purposes
  • B232→ Specification for Concentric Lay-Stranded Aluminum Conductors, Coated -Steel Reinforced (ACSR)
  • B498→ Specification for Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Steel Core Wire for Aluminum Conductors, Steel Reinforced

Cable diameter is often announced in AWG, in particular when originated in far east or the USA.

  • AWG stands for American Wire Gouche
  • The smaller the AWG number, the thicker the wire

KCMIL Wire Size is the equivalent cross-sectional area in thousands of circular mills. A "circular mill" is the area of a circle with a diameter of one thousandth (0.001) of an inch.

Do not attempt to cut ACSR cable that is not listed. Failure to observe this precaution may result in damage to the tool.

Technical Data
Lenght 230
Width of head 100
Weight 1,1
Area of Application
Diameter 50
Cross section 350
Handle Polypropylene
Surface brown-finished

Cross Section mm2
K-3 240
K-4 450
KS-34 300
KS-45 450
KS-52 500
S-50 500
KS-62 750
KS-62hd 840
KS-80 1000
KS-100 1000
KS-42S 300
DT-75 300
C-1 185
C-2 240
C-3 300
C-4 550